Highlight Your Skill Set

Over the last several years, the “Objective Statement” has been gradually replaced by a “Summary of Skills or Qualifications” on a resume. The thought process behind this change is that recruiters and hiring managers are much more interested in a quick review of your...

Using AI in Your Job Search

The world and technology have surely changed in the 25+ years, that we have been sharing job search tips on these pages (and the WNYJOBS.com website). It seems like just yesterday that we were sharing tips on how to send electronic versions of your resume or using...

Should You Accept a “Dry” Promotion?

For most organizations, one of the largest sources of expense is related to labor costs. Companies are constantly trying to figure out how to get more productivity from fewer labor resources. A relatively new phenomenon is the concept of the “dry” promotion. This type...

Debunking the Myths of References

References, just like an Offer Letter, seem to have received a negative perception over the last ten years. There are more job seekers than ever who wrongfully do not spend a moment’s thought on their professional references. This is similar in strategy to sending a...


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